Revers the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Prevention and Treatment for Lines and Wrinkles
Why do we get lines and wrinkles?
- Small amount or no oil production
- Dehydration (skin lacking moisture)
- Hormone level imbalance
- Low consumption of dietary Omega oils
- Poor Cleansing (drying products)
- Smoking
- Moisturiser not hydrating enough
- Sun damage
- Air Conditioning
Thing you may want to change to improve your skin
- Non drying and gentle milk cleansers (avoid products that contain sulfates)
- Exfoliate at least 2-3 times a week
- Use products containing Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol and Stem Cells and Dermaxyl
- Moisturise twice a day every day
- Drink plenty of water to flush the liver and kidney
- Stop Smoking
- Apply Mind Softness Mask after exfoliation 2-3 times weekly.